Generate Subtitles for your Social Media Promotional Videos

Videos on social media can go viral and reach the world's remotest corners. If you're looking to create such viral videos, be ready with multilingual Subtitles. Wavel has a library of 30+ languages to help you in Video Engagement.


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Construisez une marque de voix IA célèbre - approuvée par les leaders de l'industrie !


Promotional video subtitles for social media should be attention-grabbing and should capture the viewer's attention within the first few seconds. They should be designed to entice the viewer to watch the entire video.

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Promotional video subtitles for social media should be short and concise. They should convey the message clearly and concisely. Social media viewers tend to have a short attention span, so it is essential to keep the subtitles brief.

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Promotional video subtitles for social media should include a call-to-action at the end of the video. The call-to-action should encourage viewers to act, such as visiting a website, purchasing, or sharing the video with friends. This can increase engagement and conversions for the brand.

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AI Subtitles in Promotional Social Media Videos

AI-powered subtitles have become increasingly popular in promotional video subtitles for social media due to their accuracy, speed, and customization features. With machine learning algorithms, AI subtitles can transcribe audio into text with high precision, ensuring the subtitles are correct and improving the user experience. Additionally, brands can customize AI subtitles to match their style and tone, helping to strengthen brand identity and recognition.

Crafting AI Subtitles in Wavel Studio in Simple Ways


Upload your Video: Start by uploading the video if you want to add subtitles.


Select Language: Next, select the language of your video and the language you want the subtitles to appear.


Download and Share: Finally, download the subtitles in the format of your choice, such as SRT, VTT, or SSA.

Ce qu'ils disent


Keegan D.

Monteur vidéo, petites entreprises (50 emp. ou moins)


En tant qu'éditeur vidéo, j'ai besoin de nombreux audios pour ma vidéo et je dois également effectuer des modifications avec des parties liées au doublage ou aux sous-titres et ici, WavelAi résout mon problème approximatif en quelques minutes seulement.


Volkan A.

Responsable senior du marketing numérique et des communications marketing


Du côté de Wavel, nous utilisons efficacement les options permettant d'ajouter des sous-titres aux vidéos et de superposer de l'audio dans différentes langues sur les vidéos.


Siraj M.

Développement commercial Mid-Market


Il est facile à configurer et à démarrer en quelques minutes. L'interface utilisateur/UX est excellente et simplifie la gestion des fichiers.


Roberto Mazzoni


Une plateforme de doublage et de traduction vidéo au-dessus du cut
L'équipe se consacre réellement au développement de la meilleure plateforme de doublage et de traduction vidéo disponible.


Roberto Gómez Ledesma


C'est très précis, c'est fou à quelle vitesse la technologie évolue et des choses qui semblaient impossibles il y a quelques temps sont désormais possibles.


Why are AI Subtitles Important for Promotional Social Media Videos? 

YouTube streams more than 1 billion hours of video daily, and Facebook receives over 8 billion views on videos daily, conveying the massive popularity of video content worldwide. But how can you find the opportunity to tap into this thriving global market and skyrocket your growth? With captioned videos. Captioned videos create the perfect avenue to produce localized content in bulk and target multiple regions worldwide. You can reach new countries and build an international user base across various nationalities—simply by adding subtitles to your videos. While dubbing the audio to a different language often hampers the viewing experience, translated captions are perfect for localizing videos. Subtitles are a relatively cost-effective solution to expand your viewership and create a global outreach. Here's how you can benefit from translated subtitles: 1. Explore previously untapped territories and build your presence in foreign locations with easily comprehensible video content. 2. Drive more engagement and increase conversions from new markets with enticing calls to action in your videos. With the video's emotional appeal to influence individuals' buying decisions, adding translated subtitles to your content gives you the upper hand to expand your audience base and bring more buyers from across the globe.

Social Media Subtitles: The Platforms That Need Them Most 

Social media is far from static these days, and as a primary way for people to connect through technology, the efficacy of video content must be recognized. In reality, there is no platform for which captions and subtitles don't enhance your content. Well-established video platforms such as YouTube can take advantage of subtitles for both international appeal and to stand out from the crowd – while Instagram stories and LinkedIn videos can help enhance any brand's reputation among the community when you're building brand trust. Never underestimate the value of subtitles in enriching SEO and engagement appeal on micro-content platforms too. When supplemented with caption media, Twitter and TikTok can become powerful tools in your content arsenal. 

Why should you prefer Wavel Studio for Generating Subtitles in Promotional Social Media Videos? 

YouTube streams more than 1 billion hours of video daily, and Facebook receives over 8 billion views on videos daily, conveying the massive popularity of video content worldwide. But how can you find the opportunity to tap into this thriving global market and skyrocket your growth? With captioned videos. Captioned videos create the perfect avenue to produce localized content in bulk and target multiple regions worldwide. You have the chance to reach new countries and build an international user base across various nationalities—simply by adding subtitles to your videos. While dubbing the audio to a different language often hampers the viewing experience, translated captions are perfect for localizing videos. Subtitles are a relatively cost-effective solution to expand your viewership and create a global outreach. Here’s how you can benefit from translated subtitles: 

1. Explore previously untapped territories and build your presence in foreign locations with easily comprehensible video content. 

2. Drive more engagement and increase conversions from new markets with enticing calls to action in your videos. 

3. Wavel Studio supports Multilingual Subtitles in 30+ Languages. 

4. Adding subtitles to your videos can work wonders for audience engagement. Here’s how: 

1. Writing great captions will help you rank higher for relevant keywords and align better with the users’ queries. If your content answers what the user is looking for, it’ll naturally have a lower bounce rate. 

2. Subtitles will also enhance the videos’ accessibility. Users can watch your content on the go while juggling multiple tasks on their plates. So, instead of saving your video for later, a majority of viewers can watch it right away. 

Besides, closed captions are also ideal for viewers with a hearing disability. Reading captions engrossed the viewers into watching the video for longer. 37% of viewers watching with muted audio end up turning the sound on to understand the video better. With video’s emotional appeal to influence individuals’ buying decisions, adding translated subtitles to your content gives you the upper hand to expand your audience base and bring more buyers from across the globe.